Thursday, October 25, 2007

William's Words

William knows many words now-- some need translation. Starting with the newest:
ga gee = pacifier (don't have any idea where he got "ga gee")
ee-buh = peanut butter
diiink = drink
cacker = cracker
outsigh = outside
nigh nigh = good night
eat, cookie, no way!, ma maa, da da, go go go, light, uh oh, oh no, mine (oh no!), shoes, socks, toes, nose, eyes, hiiii, bye, see ya, clothes, car, baby
all gone (while gesturing with plams up, fingers spread, shoulders shrugged)
A couple of weeks ago I asked William "Where's mommy's kiss?" and Wm gave me an innocent look, shrugged, and said....... "all gone". *sniffle*

In addition to those words and many more, he also repeats a lot of what we say. 21 months is a fun age!

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