Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Day

We got a lot of snow today so I worked from home. Kind of difficult with a 2 year old running around. Josh went to his granparents house to shovel snow-- so it was just me and William for several hours. Besides getting some work done, it was an eventful day.

I set William in his high chair with a bowl of ravioli. I heard the usual eating noises for a while, then things got really quiet. I went to check on him and found him fast asleep........

Later I was in the living room on the computer, and William was playing in the kitchen. I heard some strange noises which I ignored for a little while then I went in there to check on him. He had pulled a chair up to the kitchen island. He had a big cup of water and he put into the water: my cell phone, my watch, a pack of aaa batteries... and he was stiring it all together with a toothbrush. My phone is pretty well fried so Josh got a new one (free!) today and I get his old one.
I wonder what he was trying to make.....

1 comment:

k said...

he's quite the cook!